Move your cursor to anywhere in the paragraph.Ģ. To set the a first-line indentation as a default, modify the normal style:ġ. The text will jump to the closest tab stop you’ve created. Place your cursor in front of the text you want to tab, the press Tab. Click the location on the horizontal ruler at the top where you want your text to appear. For this example, we’ve selected the Right Tab.ģ. Click the Tab Selector until the tab stop you want to use appears. To add a tab stop, select the paragraph(s) you want to add tab stops to.Ģ. – Bar Tab draws a vertical line on the documentġ. – Decimal Tab aligns decimal numbers using the decimal point – Right Tab right-aligns the text at the tab stop
– Center Tab centers the text around the tab stop – Left Tab left-aligns the text at the tab stop When clicked, it will cycle through all the possible options of tab stops that determine whether the text is left aligned, centered, etc.
The left side of the screen shows the Tab Selector. *To customize the spacing of the indent for the buttons, click the Layout tab and enter your desired values in the boxes under Indent in the middle of the ribbon.Ī tab stop describes the location the cursor stops at after the Tab key is pressed. To return to the original margins or decrease the indent by ½ inch, click Decrease Indent. On the Home tab, click the Increase Indent or Decrease Indent buttonģ. If multiple paragraphs need indenting, highlight them all.Ģ. Place your cursor on the text you want to indent. Microsoft Word features indent command buttons, moving every line in a paragraph left or right in ½ inch increments.ġ. For this example, we’ve dragged the first-line indent marker to ¾ inch. Click and drag the indent marker, whether the first, hanging, or left indent marker, and drag it to the desired location. Place the cursor anywhere in the paragraph you want to indent, or select one or more paragraphs.Ģ. The same time (moving the margins of the text).ġ. – Left indent marker moves both the first-line indent and hanging indent markers at – Hanging indent maker adjusts the second line indent – First line indent marker adjusts the first-line indent There are several indenting options with these markers: The markers look like this on the Ruler at the top of the screen: If you want a customized indent (an indention more or less than ½ inch), Word provides indent markers that allows users to indent paragraphs to the measurement of their choosing. If there is nothing yet written on the document, press Tab before beginning a new paragraph. Continue placing the cursor at the beginning of paragraphs and repeat.
On the Ruler at the top of the screen, the first-line indent marker (the marker pointing down toward the text) will move to the right by ½ inch.ģ. Place your cursor at the very beginning of the paragraph you want to indent.Ģ.
This will create a first-line indent of ½ inch.ġ. The quickest way to indent is to use the Tab key.